DSM Claristar Product Launch

ヤン・ペーター・バルケネンデ(Dr. Jan Peter BALKENENDEDSM)オランダ首相によるDSM新製品「Claristar(クラリスター)」の発表。

Product launch of Claristar by the Dutch Prime Minister: Jan Peter BALKENENDE on the 26 of October 2009 at about 16:00. DSM asked YR-Design to create banner of Deshima and to create an old style laboratory. The laboratory was symbolizing the old technology and was placed on one side of the stage and on the other side of the stage a vessel of glass and with a pipet the Claristar was added to the waiting wine. Before that the Prime Minister pulled a big handle and the lights, noise and the voltmeters on the noise box were put to sleep. It all took place in the Maple room at the Okura Hotel in Tokyo.

400 Years Trade Holland Japan (日蘭通商関係400周年記念)

Video created for gala event at Roppongi Hills Club in Tokyo

for the 5 minutes video shown at the event click here

for the 12 minutes DVD click here

for  a short movie of the event itself click here

Road Map to a Better World (Ryokichi Hirono)


We have been working on this project since 2008. Currently, we are following Yozo Yokota, Professor of International Law at Chuo Law School, and Ryokichi Hirono, Proffesor Emeritus at Seikei University.

We edited a part of "Ryokichi Hirono." Our project has not been completed yet, but we would like to share a part of the video.

Click here to see Windoes Media File  of the clip.

Click here to see Quicktime  of the clip.

Road Map to a Better World


- 将来の人間の安全保障のために -


Road Map to a Better World

-Human Security in the Future -

A video documentary series with viewpoints of influential persons in various disciplines.






a better world through design.

a world in which differences are resolved by dialog and consensus.

a world which respects human rights and human dignity.

a world which values social, economic, and environmental sustainable development.

yr-design aims to realize the world like this.




  • プロモーションビデオ
  • 講義用ビデオ
  • 学会発表用

Video Producing

  • Promotion Videos
  • Lectures
  • Conference Presentations




  • 演示用装置
  • アクセサリー
  • クラウドソリューション
  • クラウドサービス





Please feel free to contact us to request a price quote.


〒633-1302 奈良県宇陀郡御杖村菅野616

616 Sugano, Mitsue-village Uda District, Nara, 633-1302 Japan

email: info@yr-design.biz

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Pecha Kucha Night vol.55

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2008年9月24日、東京で開催された“ぺちゃくちゃないと vol.55”でプレゼンテーションを行いました。 映像
On September 24, 2008, we had a presentation at "Pecha Kucha Night vol.55" in Tokyo.