Fukushima Aspirin

fukushima-aspirin-_3_2011-08-05_01-10-22Wine label for wine tasting event.


2010 New Year Greetings


There are two pictures in a paper. Click here to download it.

Golden Hands 1

a video series about crafty hands that have serve a lifetime.

Golden Hands 2

a video series about crafty hands that have serve a lifetime.

25 Years in Japan

Created book for 25 years Japan of Willem Remmelink. Content by Isabel van Daalen. Realization technically YR-DESIGN.


Neuromuscular Massage Therapy(ホームページリニューアル / Homepage Renewal)

Hiroko Yanagida website design. Dual Language, wordpress.

Kumi Inoue Book (2)

Designed cover for book of Kumi Inoue (version 2)


Kumi Inoue Book (1)

Designed cover for book of Kumi Inoue (version 1)
