400 Years Trade Holland Japan (日蘭通商関係400周年記念)
Video created for gala event at Roppongi Hills Club in Tokyo
for the 5 minutes video shown at the event click here
for the 12 minutes DVD click here
for a short movie of the event itself click here
デザインを通してより良い世界を。 紛争がなく、人権が尊重される世界。 社会的、環境的、経済的に持続可能な開発に取り組む世界。 yr-designは、このような世界の実現に貢献したいと考えます。 |
a better world through design. a world in which differences are resolved by dialog and consensus. a world which respects human rights and human dignity. a world which values social, economic, and environmental sustainable development. yr-design aims to realize the world like this. |
お見積もりをご希望の方は、お気軽にご連絡ください。 Please feel free to contact us to request a price quote.
〒633-1302 奈良県宇陀郡御杖村菅野616 616 Sugano, Mitsue-village Uda District, Nara, 633-1302 Japan email: info@yr-design.biz |