25 Years in Japan

Created book for 25 years Japan of Willem Remmelink. Content by Isabel van Daalen. Realization technically YR-DESIGN.





Please feel free to contact us to request a price quote.


〒633-1302 奈良県宇陀郡御杖村菅野616

616 Sugano, Mitsue-village Uda District, Nara, 633-1302 Japan

email: info@yr-design.biz

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Pecha Kucha Night vol.55

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2008年9月24日、東京で開催された“ぺちゃくちゃないと vol.55”でプレゼンテーションを行いました。 映像
On September 24, 2008, we had a presentation at "Pecha Kucha Night vol.55" in Tokyo.

Fading Borders till January 2010

As part of the celebration of 400 years of trade relations between the Netherlands and Japan, the exhibition Fading Borders is opening on 13 September 2009. The exhibition consists of a series of double portraits of Japanese/Dutch couples who live and work in the Netherlands and Dutch/Japanese couples who live.